Monday 5 November 2012

93. Autumn rides

Taken: 4.11.2012
At Ocean Park, Hong Kong.

Ocean Park has changed a lot since I stopped being a regular there - i.e. since I was in high school. It has changed both for better and for worse. On one hand it is trying really hard to stay competitive and stay original, with Disneyland and it's x-year extension plan chomping up the theme-park market share in this part of the world. OP has introduced a few new rides, a few new animal exhibits including penguins and more pandas, relocated and revamped and expanded the aquarium, and built a fake "old Hong Kong street" that sold "old Hong Kong street food" and had games where you can win a soft stuffed egg tart toy. 

On the other hand, just like Disney, as soon as you enter the park you are bombarded with souvenir shops, a huge fountain and "epic adventure music". The dolphin show, which used to also feature a killer whale, also bombards you with deafening music throughout the show, and near-propaganda-type audio story of how animals and humans used to live together harmoniously until humans grew more brains and grew hungry and turn planet earth into a free-for-all dumpster. I guess things got a bit boring ever since the killer whale died back in 1997.

But nothing is worse than, although understandable, the number of tour groups from mainland China that the park admits every weekend. Tour bus after tour bus flood into the park's bus carpark, and led by tour guides, they mosey around the park, cut in queues, clip their toenails, flash their camera flashes at pandas and penguins, and leave without riding on any of the rides. But hey, what can you say, can't blame OP for taking advantage of welcoming the rich and eager-to-travel mainland bros to spend a few and save the park from sinking under Disney's shadow, right?

Tuesday 30 October 2012

92. Standing on the back of a dragon

Taken: 29.10.2012
Hiking on Dragon's Back, overlooking Shek O beach, with the mighty wind in your hair and corn chips in hand #PerfectSunday

Tuesday 23 October 2012

91. Chicken soup for the Seoul

Taken: 22.10.2012

Nothing feels better than Ginseng chicken soup for late lunch on a cold wet autumn day on the penultimate day of an amazing trip with ridiculous friends to Seoul, Korea.

Saturday 20 October 2012

90. Jump seat to Seoul

Taken: 20.10.2012, Hong Kong International Airport.
Standing by: It's always a nervous wait, but once you get your boarding pass it feels all the more rewarding.  On my way to Seoul, Korea for the first time!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

89. Back in the day

Taken: 14.10.2012
Old Peak Road, the edge of what was once the city of Victoria.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

88. Respiratory Failure

Taken: 13.10.2012
At Victoria Peak, HK

Today's air pollution index is...get me a lung transplant.

Thursday 4 October 2012

87. Fine Art Asia 2012

Taken: 3.10.2012
At the private vernissage of Fine Art Asia 2012, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Prizes for whoever can tell me who the artist is, because I forgot.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

86. Dragons at rest

Taken: 1.10.2012
At Stanley Beach

With the mid-autumn festival marking the official end of summer (I just re-read that and yes doesn't make sense) in Hong Kong, these dragon boats will be chilling out here for the a while before dragon boat racing season begins again next summer.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Wedding shoot #2

Click me / see new page for more


85. Sound of Tuesday night

Taken: 18.9.2012
At The Wanch, Wanchai

I met this Canadian girl "J" (whose boyfriend is Indian - on the right) at my Swedish-Chinese friend's wedding in Norway when my friend married a Norwegian that she met in Belgium while on exchange during our time at university in England. I don't know how many more countries I can fit into one sentence. That was probably my record high. Anyway, we kept in touch, she came to HK for a 5-month long holiday / summer break, I hooked her up with an internship, and she invited me to her gig. Life's not bad.

Sunday 16 September 2012

84. Compass

Taken: 16.9.2012
At Tom Read's debut album "Compass" launch gig.

A life devoted to worship is a life worth living.

83. Resting

Taken: 1.9.2012
At Grasmere St Oswald's Church, Lake District, UK

In peace.

[This was during my cousin's wedding in Grasmere. We were both Christened in this little church, we used to play together in the park next door when I was over in the UK during summer holidays. We grew up, she moved away, I stopped visiting for summer, we grew apart, but we all came back to this church and it was beautiful.]

82. Dusk

Taken: 27.8.2012
At the back of a cafe near Waterloo Station, London, catching up with Hezza!

81. Bank Holiday Monday

Taken: 27.8.2012
In Richmond, London.

Wouldn't mind living here when I retire/grow old alone and is super cash rich.

80. Life

Taken: 26.8.2012
At Greenwich Park, London

These squirrels are surprisingly friendly (or greedy?).

Monday 3 September 2012

79. Glorious British Weather

Taken: 29.8.2012
Oxford Street, London. On my way to meet Beagley after not seeing her for a year! This was also the day I got invited to go back to England next year for her wedding. YES!

{This shot was not easy with an iPhone - I wanted to focus on the raindrops on the window of the bus that I was sitting in, but iPhones have auto focus and so was not easy to reduce its focal length rather than let it focus on the "big picture" outside. But there's also a time-lag between refocusing. So what I ended up doing was I put my hand on the window in front of the shot, when it focused on my hand which was the same-ish focal length as the window, took it away and took the picture quickly.}

Monday 30 July 2012

78. Solitude Sunday

3 hours to kill between a ridiculously huge Sunday roast brunch and church at 4pm, at my favourite cafe in Central. It's my favourite because it's usually very quiet, but not worryingly deserted.

Thursday 26 July 2012

77. Standby me

HKIA - The best airport in the world to be on standby.

[Ended up taking the jumpseat to Singapore]

76. What dreams are made of

My ex-roommate / guitar teacher / best friend pursuing and gloriously achieving her dreams of bringing delightful music to a stale music industry in HK.

75. Got milk?

Monday 4 June 2012

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Monday 5 March 2012

Thursday 1 March 2012

67. Week ends

What nicer way to end a weekend than a BBQ on the beach in beautiful February breeze

Taken: 12.2.2012
South Bay Beach, HK

Monday 23 January 2012

Sunday 15 January 2012

Monday 9 January 2012