Tuesday 1 July 2014

101. Summer one o one

Taken: 28.6.2014
In Hong Kong, summer isn't summer unless you've gone on a junk boat trip. My summer is now complete. Another one next week for added bonus!

100. "Who you callin' stupid?"

Taken: 27.6.2014
At home

Saturday 7 June 2014

99. Rescued

Taken: 7.6.2014
On Bowen Road, Hong Kong

He "walks like a duck, sits like a seal, snorts like a pig, pees like a girl". This little trans-species trans-gender oddball is available for adoption! 

98. A fire in the sky

Taken: 1.6.2014
In Hong Kong

97. Idiots hiking

Taken: 31.5.2014
On Dragon's Back, Shek O

Someone thought it would be a good idea to go hiking on one of the hottest days of the year, at 2pm the hottest time of the day, and we obliged. The view was quite spectacular, I must say, but we were  also spectacularly idiotic to have done such a thing.

96. Good genes

Taken: 11.5.2014
In Cheshire, UK
This Grandpa just turned 90. He still drives (his new car which he bought not very long ago), he still drinks his fair share of alcohol (responsibly), and he still does the gardening. 

95. Hello Deer

Resuming after a one-year hiatus...

Taken: 10.5.2014
In Cheshire, UK.
Visiting Grandpa for his 90th birthday. We always come to Tatton Park for walks while we're here. Today was just Dad and I. And these deer. And a fresh set of lungs.